Thursday, April 4, 2013

Time Flies when You're Having...Fun?

So, it's already April?? I can't believe it. Time just flies as you get older, or maybe because we're getting older we notice time more? I remember not ever caring about time, days, months that had past when I was growing up. Mainly because I couldn't wait to grow up, and I was a kid, time was not of the essence. Now it seems, its all we think about as adults. Our forever growing lists of "to dos", planning this event or that one, going to work, going to school, and more school, doing other "adult" things, having a timeline on your life "I want to be married with kids by this age, or own a home by this age". Sometimes we can get so caught up in all these grown up things, that we can actually forget to just live and enjoy. So, that's what I'm going to force myself to do this year...wake up and smell the roses, or at least look at the roses, I really hate bees, lol.

With all that rambling on, I also have another goal in mind. To be more health conscious. To no longer look at my weight as a goal, but a change of my lifestyle. I won't lie, as I am sure we all have these thoughts, "what about the foods I love?" "I know I should work out tonight, but I have this show to watch" or something, whatever we use as an excuse to not better ourselves health wise. Whatever our reasons, I know one thing for sure, they hold us back. My big excuse right now is my schooling, I am in class five nights a week, five hours a night. I barely have time to rest after getting home from working..and don't even get me started on this past month of me being ailed by sickness over and over again. The thing is, I know I am horrible at keeping with my fitness or health goals, it's why I decided to view it differently this time, which is to "take it slow". I am not going to change my habits overnight, nor will I be in the body I wish to be in in a week or shorter. It will take work, and will be a challenge, but I know me, and if I go all gung-ho at once. I'll eventually quit. I get easily frustrated if I don't see the results right away. That is why I made just small changes in my life, ones that I knew I could do, and that in the long run...very long run, they would help.

First: I switched to drinking nothing, and I mean nothing but water. Now, I will not try to sugar coat it and say it was far it wasn't. I love my sweet tea, my coffee in the a.m., the occasional Starbucks trip. But I knew this was a change I COULD do...and I love water, so why not? It wasn't like I was switching to some god-awful green shake thing every's water, something I drink already, but at the time maybe not enough of. Now, I definitely get my 8 glasses and then some each and every day. I've been doing this switch since last September, and it has definitely worked. I have slowly lost some pounds, inches..but I mean slooowwwly. Still it was a small change, and one that I've kept up with, so I am okay with the slow progress. I have on occasion slipped and had a sip of sweet tea, or my coffee, but not much, lol.
Second: I drastically, well both myself and my boyfriend cut back on our eating out craze. This change is sort of a win-win one. Not only are we cutting back on our overly fatty food intake, but we're also saving the moola. Can't beat that one. Now, this was another tough change, as anyone knows..we love our food. Especially the fried, overly sauced, 4 course meals that you can find at any restaurant, but it was another change that myself as well as him new we could do. Now, on occasion we "treat" ourselves, I mean, we're not perfect, lol. But these results have also been a bit slow, and that is also okay with me. I know these changes are a positive step in the right direction.
Lastly: Since we're not eating out as much, that gives us more time to plan and branch out on our meals at home, and with that, we can still eat some foods we love, but on a healthier side. This has proven to be a bit tough, since we are both kind of picky eaters, but so far we have found a medium we can both do. I will say, he is more of the picky one than I am. The man barely eats any vegetable, which makes it even harder to get on the right track with health (soo many good, and delicious recipes out there), that I would love, but he wont eat. I did get him to eat spinach that's something :)


  1. You can do it Sarah! And get that boy to eat more vegetables, haha!

  2. Thanks for linking up! My husband only eats random vegetables and only if you force him like a child! Haha. So, I just make myself a bunch and if he wants to eat crap then that's his business, I've just about given up. Haha
