Thursday, April 18, 2013

Not So Sexy Back! My 2nd Week!

Well, here we go......
The results are in for my second week of "Bringing Sexy Back". First off I want to thank my dear friend and co-worker for helping me with this blogging thing and for getting me into the idea! I am having so much fun with it! I currently have changed my set up and page about 3 different times, and I imagine it will keep on changing until I find one I am so in LOVE with :)

Anyhoo, for this week, I have to say I have done terrible. I am up 2 pounds since last week, and I put the blame on the Big Papa for that ;) Although it was nice visit, his food and cooking didn't help with any of my eating goals,lol. It was so yummy, and then we had to have ice cream for dessert, and that just completely blew everything out of the water! There is still some of that deliciousness left too, and someone has to eat it..right?? I mean who am I to waste the delectable, peanut butter and fudge filled sweetness? I dare say that would be a blaspheme  for all ice cream connoisseurs everywhere!! Oh well, tonight will be the last night of enjoyment of such things, as I will be finishing off the little that is left..and get back to being good.

I am, however going to pull the "all part of being a woman" card on this as well. I mean let's face it.....we go through it every month, and those darn "symptoms" definitely do not help, when you're trying to fit into your favorite pair of jeans! Am I right or am I right?? Com'on ladies, lets not be shy about it, lol.

Even with the ice cream debacle and the pains of being a woman, I am still doing well at maintaining the previous steps I mentioned in last that's something right? I would so love to get back into the gym, or punch the heck out of a bag again, but school is proving to make that a difficult task. Not only can I not make it to the gym during the week (my schedule is pretty filled up), by the time the glorious weekend hits, I am no one to be messed with on my laziness, or lack of wanting to do anything..ha! I want my sleep, and I want to veg, and not think......I know, I know such a bad way to be. So, I am slowly going to work on that. It is my promise to myself. So if next week, I tell you all about my weekend and how I did absolutely have my permission to slap it outta me, capisce??

That is it for now...I'll get around to posting some pics and my measurements here soon..I promise!
Have a splendid Thursday!!!

It may be a CRAZY life, but it's OUR life,


  1. Sarah, the blog looks amazing! You have done such a great job with it. And we all have bad weeks. As long as you are wanting to change and you make the effort, than that is all that matters. You can do it. I have faith in you!

  2. Great job keeping going even if it was a tough week. One thing I try and do (which I'm not great at) is if I know I'm going to be in a place that's hard to control what I eat, I try and burn some sort of calories first. Then I don't feel so bad. I'm also less inclined to pig out because then I feel like I wasted a workout.
