Friday, May 3, 2013

Keeping It Simple

Hello there friends and followers. I sure hope your week has been swell thus far! If you're with me here in Colorado..are we having fun yet??? lol. Anyhoo, I know I have been slacking this past couple weeks with writing my blogs, I have missed the past 2 Friday's Letters, and the Bringing Sexy Back update. So here is a recap of the past weeks, with a little bit of everything included :)

Don't you just wish life could be simple? Not so up and down, or all around? However it is though, it is up to us to slow things down, sit back and enjoy life's simple pleasures. I believe doing that is a need from time to time, and after my past couple weeks, I feel that this weekend I will do just that..and let the world pass me on by..but only after this blog post :)

Well, for starters it has been a cerrraazy week so far. I am in my second week of my second module of classes, and I am struggling just to keep my eyes and ears open, ugh! Don't get me wrong I am loving school, and all that I am learning..especially that I feel i have more of a purpose in my life, but wow..I just wish my body would come along with me freely! I have been so tired, I almost wonder if I am anemic or something..its ridiculous. I sure hope this weekend goes better than last, when I almost fell asleep at the sushi bar,lol.
Another small share, that I really can't spill about..but there might be some other big changes coming up, I'll keep you all posted on that one when the time comes ;)
The biggest news though, is my recent doctors visits, and all that entails. Remember my possible issue with the gall bladder? Well that very expensive Hidascan test, came back my dismay. Grrr. I mean, hey, yeah it's all grand that I don't have an Gall Bladder problem, but I will be paying over 1k to pay off this damn test..and I am still getting heavy bouts of sickness..not cool universe, not cool!! On another note, my boob scans came back A-OK...I mean I'm still all full of the cysties, but they think I am in the clear for any more boob squishing at least until I turn I guess that's something to jump about. Go boobs!! lol
As for my lateness in bringing this sexy thang back...well, I'm just not sure. I feel like I've lost some inches..or maybe a pound, but being that I don't keep a scale at home, and since my last update I was up, I just don't know. Maybe I'll meander back to an office here, and put in a weigh in..I know, i know, i also still need to post pics, but ick! If I do, just make sure no small children are around when you see them, lol.

Okay, now for a few weeks worth of Friday's Letters, brought to you by:

Dear Friday: Thank you for coming once again..and fast too! I sure need this relaxation time over the weekend :)
Dear Bills: Really?? You're killing me, and my spend-age allowance..BOO. TO. YOU! Being an adult really bites sometimes,lol
Dear Love: Thanks for being you, and sticking by me for another week...sure makes me smile :) I'm a work in progress, but with you, I know I'll be a finished product soon..muah!
Dear Direct TV: Thank you soo much for letting me have the Chiller channel back..even if it is a fluke or just a preview! Sooo made my night last night...although, as much as I love the cheese, last night was too much cheese, even for me, lol.
Dear Sickness: I am so glad I haven't had a bout with you since last keep it up! I can't afford more days off work because of you :-/
Dear Copiers: Well, you kept me busy once again this week. I even began to wonder if we should be "friends off" this week..I mean, don't I take care of you and treat you nice?? Breaking down 4 times since last Thursday, is no way to treat the hand that feeds'on, can't we just get along??
Dear Weather: With as long as I've known you, you still manage to surprise me now and again...thanks for making life here in Colorado never boring!
Dear DaVinci: Seriously cat, you need to get a grip! I mean we love you and all, but the world does not..even though you think it does, revolve around you and your incessant need to be a pimp outside. Give us a darn break and let us sleep!! Waking up to your whines at 6am is not our idea of fun, nor will it make for a pleasant interaction with you....maybe we should get a pet door??
Dear T-Mobile: I am sorry, but as loyal as I am, and have been to you over the years, I just feel that it's time to leave you. I'd like to say, it's not you, It's me...but that'd be a lie. It is you. If I have to lose signal while in my house and have my phone continuously reset, then that my friend is something you should consider seeking help for. I can't stand idly by anymore and watch your tantrums over and over again, while you slip further away from the rest of the world. Get it together man,'s time.
Dear Weekend: I am excited to see what's in store for me...keep it safe and inexpensive please :)
Dear News: Stop being so sad and stressful to me, or I may terminate you as well.
and last but never least or forgotten:
Dear My Sweet Bobbleheads: Always, remember and know how much Mama loves you two!! I am so very proud of all you hard work in school, and I know you will do well on your state tests! The last day is today and you can do it babies!! I love you so very much, more than life itself and beyond. You are the world and the light within me, and always will be! I am here for you little ones, keep on shining bright!!
In the words of Christopher Robin “If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.” 

Have a superb weekend ya'll, and remember keep it simple!

It may be a CRAZY life, but it's OUR life,

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