Friday, March 29, 2013

This Blog will Escalate Quickly.

Hmmm. what to write, what to write? I guess you can tell, I am pretty new to this world of blogging. I have thought about it for quite some time, as I always think "it would be so nice to..." yet I never actually do, lol. I know I definitely have a want to write more, but every time I attempt it, my mind just wanders, and then I eventually find myself at a block, not sure where to begin or even what to say, but I guess thats sorta what this is all about. Putting those random thoughts out there into the universe, and maybe if you're lucky, someone else will find it, read it and even like it?? One can hope.

Well now that I've rambled on long enough, I suppose I'll share a little about myself. My name is Sarah, and I am a 33 year old single mommy, still just trying to figure out what my path is in life. A bit about my children: My twins were born a little over 7 years ago, and let me tell ya, even with all the ups and downs, the chaos life throws in your corner, no one could have ever prepared me for the joy that is one: being a mother, and two: a mother of twins. Seriously, I have been asked countless times "how do you do it?" "isn't it hard?" and I have one answer, it is what it is, simple as that. When you're given any kind of surprise, curve ball, or just any kind of demand out of life, YOU JUST DO. There is no wishing for something else, that's why it is called "Life". Now, I will be honest and say, it is no cakewalk, nothing is ever perfect and blissful, but I wouldn't change a dollar for it, not one ounce of anything. When they were babies, (newborns) I just took the reigns and ran with them. I knew there had to be organization, control, a plan for everyday or I would want to pull my hair out. There was no real recovery time for me, pain and all I was up and at em, setting schedules, carrying their seats, going out and about, doing what simply needed to be done. That is how it has been everyday since their first breath into this world.

Since then, things elsewhere have, lets just say, gone a little off the original plan..but, again that is this crazy ride we call life. After living in California for most of my young adult 20 something years, I am now back in my hometown and slowly finding my own voice again. I work, have a place to call home and have now recently started back at school again. Am I crazy?? Sometimes I think so, my boyfriend says so, lol. I (with some push and the support of family and friends) realized I could do more. That I could be someone else other than what I had come to believe of recent in life. So I took the jump and I can say, it's been great so of my teachers is a bit tough, but hey, that just pushes me to do better. I just wonder why I didnt have this kind of drive in my younger years? Oh yeah, I was a kid who "thought she knew everything already and who was I to care about the future? It was time to be young and not have a care in the world!" haha, ohh the things I would tell my younger self now.

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